PK22 Antique leather update

Posted on 30th January 2014 by Mark

Having been very impressed with the appearance of the distressed antique brown I thought I'd try a lighter brown. I chose the leather from a supplier we regularly use from the midlands. The company has a great range of thick distressed leathers. If you are interested in these leathers and learning more of the PK22 chair then please do not hesitate contacting me at:

In a few weeks we'll be having the two antique brown chairs professionally photographed. We'll put some of these up onto the site. If you'd like to see more of these then please request these by email.

Pk22 chair antique mid
Mid pk22 antique chair
Antique mid pk22 chair

Below is a YouTube video I made in the summer of 2013 when we had upholstered the chair in the distressed antique leather.

Photographs of the distressed antique PK22 chair can be viewed in an earlier PK22 chair blog entry

To buy the chair visit the PK22 chair page